When I came to Prague, there is one shop that I love very
much, it is called Manufaktura. It sells many lovely cosmetics products with
beautiful packages and creative fragrances. For examples, shower gel inspired
by beer or shampoo inspired by wine. I
can’t help myself but bought 3 shower gel, 1 shampoo, 1 hand cream and 1 body
butter. And I use them right after I come home.

It’s 9.30 pm when I shoot those bottles near to my kitchen window, but it is still bright outside. It’s Finnish summer!

Relaxing shower & bath gel with thermal salt and sweet balm, I love this smell so much. Whenever I use it on my skin, I feel like home spa, so relaxing. I should light a candle too! Others are refreshing shower gel with beer and grain extracts, and hair shampoo with wine and panthenol for normal to dry hair. They also have Mojito cosmetics and Dead sea cosmetics as well.