Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Veronika decides to die

Even if you have only got two days to live, I don’t think you should leave this life without knowing how far you can go.”

The story tells about a young girl who commits suicide. She is rescued and wakes up in Villete, a mental hospital in Slovenia.

In Villete, people are safe; they are free to express their feelings. They don’t have to care about their job, their family. They don’t have to earn a living or be responsible for anything like that. Moreover, they can do anything such as love, sex and hatred… without being afraid of any judgement.

The doctor says Veronika just can live about a week. In that short time, she finds that she wants to do so many things, things that she has never done before. Since there is nothing to lose, Veronika acts, says whatever she wants and be a person she wants to be!

The young and beautiful girl who is going to die soon makes many people rethink about their lives, their unfulfilled wishes. They all have their dreams, the dreams that are usually banned with regulations and rules that make them never reach it.

It seems that when people are drawn nearly to death, they have more awareness of life, recognize what they really want to do and appreciate those times left to live intensively.

The short story but great in value and meaning. Writing style is simple but profound makes it naturally go to my heart. Through it, the author wants to share one main message to those who is in the corner of her life: “dare to be different!”


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