Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My birthday

Last Saturday 7.12 was my birthday, I'm turning into 26. Feeling old already! This year, I made a small party and invited some close friends to celebrate with.

Some handsome sushi, mango passion fruit cheesecake.





I received the Elie Saab perfume as a gift, Le parfum Eau de parfum intense, my favourite scent. The scent of orange blossom and rose honey which make it ultra sensual and feminine & Elie Saab body lotion. How much I love these smells.

One early morning when I came to school, a friend handed me a gift, the Elizabeth Arden with green tea refreshing body lotion and the other gave Fedora hat in summer. Thank you very much, I don't need big party to be happy.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Strawberry Cheesecake Parfaits

strawberry pairfait

I made these parfaits almost 2 years ago, felt a bit strange to make this post today. Anyway, this is a pleasant dessert and very easy to make so I think it's good to share. Recipe is adapted from my favourite blog with step by step instructions.


1 pound (500 gr) of strawberries
 2 tablespoons sugar, divided
 1 cup (100 gr) butter biscuits
 2 tablespoons melted butter
 12 ounces (360gr) cream cheese
 1/2 cup (125ml) sour cream
 2/3 cup (90gr) confectioners' sugar
 1 cup (250ml) whipping cream
 1 teaspoon almond extract


  1. Crush the biscuits finely 
  2. Mix the crumbs with one tablespoon sugar, and 2 tablespoons melted butter. 
  3. In the bowl of your electric mixer, mix the cream cheese, sour cream, sugar and almond extract. In a separate bowl, whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks form. 
  4. Using a spatula, gently fold the cream cheese mixture with the whipped cream just until combined. 
  5. Slice the strawberries into a larger bowl, sprinkle them with a tablespoon of sugar and toss them around the bowl a little. 
  6. Then we are going to need four glasses. 
  7. Place about a tablespoon of the crumbs in the bottom of your glasses. 
  8. Then layer some of the cheesecake filling, then add some strawberries and repeat this procedure once more. Refrigerate for about 1-2 hours before serving 
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